How To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Thighs And Bum

Imagine being on the beach, the sun is shining, and you have a great book you want to enjoy…
The last thing you want to worry about now is cellulite. Although almost every woman has some form of cellulite on either their legs, bum or their thighs, there are a lot of questions surrounding the issue and especially the question how to lose cellulite. Read on to find your questions answered!
Where does cellulite come from?
Cellulite is usually describing dimples in your skin that often appear in the areas of your bum, thighs, and legs. Cellulite is caused by fat that is stored in the connective tissue and accumulates in bulk, creating bumps in the skin.
Why do I have cellulite?
The causes for cellulite vary quite a bit:
- unhealthy diet
- lack of physical activity
- hormonal changes
- genetics
- overall body fat
Naturally, you cannot change your genetics or have an influence on your hormones. Since most women experience some form of cellulite, it should be noted that some degree of cellulite is normal and nothing to worry about.
The good news: there are certain causes for cellulite, like an unhealthy diet or lack of physical activity, that can be worked on. So, if cellulite is something you feel insecure about, there are ways to lose cellulite, make it less apparent on your skin, and get more confident in in the process!
Here, we will show you how to get rid of cellulite with nutritional changes, as well as a cellulite exercise plan!
Five tips on how to lose cellulite and improve skin firmness!
- Change your diet
Changing your diet will improve skin firmness and help to prevent future cellulite. Cellulite is often caused by accumulated fats or toxins (from an unhealthy diet) which reduce skin elasticity and slow down circulation. Eat an alkaline diet with a lot of raw vegetables and fresh fruits. Also include lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains to your diet. - Avoid certain unhealthy foods
Try to cut out simple carbohydrates like white flour, sugar and processed foods. Some studies show that caffeine can make cellulite worse, because of its effects on blood flow and getting oxygen and nutrients to skin tissue. So, limit your intake of coffee, soda, and energy drinks. Also avoid smoking and alcohol – both create toxins in the body. - Do contrast showers & use a dry brush
To lose cellulite, you shower the affected areas 2-3 minutes with warm and then 2-3 minutes with cold water. It improves circulation, stimulates cell renewal, and activates your metabolism. Dry brushing is also an ancient method to boost blood circulation and improve skin quality.
Use a natural bristle brush to massage the affected areas. This will improve blood circulation and stimulate the lymph nodes while providing gentle exfoliation to the skin. It is best to brush the affected areas three times a week for five minutes just before taking a shower. - Drink more water
More water will cleanse your body and eliminate it of toxins and fat. That will reduce cellulite all over your body, including the cellulite gathering in your thighs. Water can also improve the strength of collagen and connective tissue in your skin, making your skin much firmer. This can also help reduce the wrinkled appearance of collagen and create a smoother look on your problem areas. The optimal amount for the human body is 8-9 glasses of water per day.You can also add collagen to your diet with the Women's Best True Beauty Collagen Drink!
- Cardio
Cardiovascular training helps you burn fat all over your body by elevating your heart rate and metabolism. Intense cardio workouts such as running, cycling, hiking up hills, swimming, aerobics, zumba or dancing are the greatest weapons. When combined with the following strength exercises it will help you to get rid of cellulite. Work-out 5 days a week.
Because cellulite is trapped within connective tissues, weight training can remodel the tissue and smooth the appearance of cellulite. Gaining muscle mass tightens the connective tissues and your dimply area decreases. It also boosts your metabolic rate and a faster metabolism causes your body to burn more calories. To increase power and endurance during your workout session, you can use Women's Best Pre-Workout Booster. It helps you to increase muscle pump and will change your training into a super intense power workout.
These are the best exercises to get rid of cellulite:
Split Squats:
Starting position: Find an about 10 inch (25 cm) high, 12 inch (30 cm) wide platform and stand on it.
- Jump up and land on the floor.
- Drop to a squat position.
- Jump up and land on the platform.
- Repeat this process as often as mentioned on your workout routine.
Sumo Jump Squats:
Starting position: Standing with your feet placed more than shoulder width and your toes pointing out slightly. Throughout the exercise you have to keep your head up and maintain a straight back.
- Lower your upper body by bending your knees and hips. Keep your hands together in front of your body.
- Continue until the angle between upper leg and calve becomes slightly less than 90 degrees Now, your hands should touch the floor.
- Jump up as high as you can and land in the starting position.
- Repeat this process as often as mentioned on your workout routine.
Barbell Step Ups:
Starting position: Place a barbell on the back of your shoulders. Stand upright and behind a flat bench or any other obstacle which isn't too high to step upon.
- Place your left foot on the flat bench and let your right foot slowly coming along to place it next to your left foot.
- Step down with the right foot and place your left foot again next to the right foot. (starting position)
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine!
Starting position: Stand with your feet placed at shoulder width, with your toes pointing out slightly. Stretch your arms out. Keep your head up and maintain a straight back throughout the exercise.
- Lower your upper body by bending your knees and hips.
- Continue until the angle between upper leg and calve becomes slightly less than 90 degrees.
- Push off the floor by using your quads to get back to starting position.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine.
Glute Kickbacks:
Starting position: Kneel on the floor or on an exercise mat with your arms extended, placed at shoulder width and rectangular to your torso. Throughout the exercise, calve and hamstring should be at a 90-degree angle to each other.
- Perform the movement by lifting your leg until the hamstring is in line with your back. (Try to hold this position for some seconds)
- Return to the starting position and repeat the motion with the other leg.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your home workout routine.
Dumbbell Lunges:
Starting position: Stand up with your torso upright and take a dumbbell on each hand.
- Step forward with one leg until your shin and your thigh contain a 90 degree angle (inhale during this motion).
- Make sure that your knee does not move beyond your toes!
- Use your heels to push yourself up to the starting position (Exhale during this motion).
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine.
Inner Thigh Machine:
Starting position: Sit down on the machine and select weights you are comfortable with. Place your legs on the leg pads, grip the handle and sit upright.
- Slowly press against the weight with your legs to move them together, as close as possible. (Don't forget to breathe correctly)
- Hold the tension for a second and move your legs slowly back to the starting position.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine!
Leg Curl:
Starting position: Adapt the machine to your height and sit or lie down, depending on the machine you are using.
- With your ankles, pull the pad of the machine all the way to your buttocks. Exhale during this motion.
- Now begin to bring back the pad to the starting position and inhale.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine!
Leg Extension:
Starting position: Adapt the machine to your fits and sit down.
- Extend your legs as long as you reached your full extension. (exhale during this motion)
- Now begin to bring back the pad to the starting position and inhale.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine!
Outer Thigh Machine:
Starting position: Sit down on the machine and select weights you are comfortable with. Place your legs on the leg pads, grip the handle and sit upright.
- Slowly press against the weight of the machine with your legs to move them away from each other. (Don't forget to breathe correctly)
- Hold the tension for a second and move your legs slowly back to the starting position.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned on your workout routine!
How To Get Rid Of Cellulite On Thighs And Bum
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